Three Big Advantages To Siding Over Paint

When you're renovating a home, there's plenty to think about, including what you're going to do with your external walls. For example, you can choose between painting your walls or getting siding to cover them. But how can you decide something that's going to impact the appearance of your house potentially for years or decades to come? Here are a few reasons why you might want to choose siding over paint.

No Need for Retouching

One of the biggest advantages of siding is that it doesn't require anywhere near as much maintenance as having paint on your walls. Paint typically needs to be redone every few years due to fading, wear and tear, and the impact of weather. This can be a nuisance and even a large cost, depending on whether you knuckle down and do it yourself or hire a pro to do it for you.

Siding, on the other hand, is designed to last for a long time without any real maintenance from you. It's resilient to weather conditions and doesn't peel or fade like paint does. As a result, once it's up, all you really need to do is to wash it down once in a while and your house will look as good as new.


Siding also provides the inside of your home with a boost, not just the outside. Siding acts as an extra layer of insulation on your walls, which is something paint just can't do. The siding will help to prevent excess heat from entering your home and will also help to keep cold out. By choosing siding, you're going to not only be more comfortable indoors, but you may save energy by not needing to run fans, air conditioning, or heaters as often as you would if your walls were covered only in paint.


Lastly, paint isn't always the most eco-friendly thing out there. Chipping and peeling paint can end up washing down into the sewers, where it can make it out to sea and pollute the ocean. And since you'll need to regularly re-paint, you'll be using up a lot of resources to keep your house looking nice through the years.

For comparison's sake, siding can't contaminate anything around it. As an added plus, many siding options are now made out of recycled materials, which keep them from becoming waste and entering the landfill, instead. These materials can give your home the look you want without hurting the environment in the process.

To learn more, contact a siding contractor.

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It's Clear! A Website About Windows

Why did we create this website? Well, we think that's clear — about as clear as your windows! Okay, maybe we are not skilled comedians, but we do happen to know a lot about windows, and we are excited to share that information. After all, a good home needs good windows. What sorts of things can you expect to learn on this website? For one, you will learn about the various types of materials used to make window frames and sashes these days. You will also learn how to clean and maintain windows, how to find a good window repair company, and much more. We invite you to start reading.



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