4 Window Installation Problems You Can Avoid By Hiring A Professional

When it comes to projects around your home, it is fun to take on projects and see what you can manage on your own. When it comes to replacing your windows though, you should hire a professional. A professional will not make many of the window installation problems that can plague a do-it-yourselfer trying to install a window.

Uneven Windows

When installing a replacement window in an old home, you need to do more than just measure and replace the window. You need to carefully level the window, as your home itself may not be level, which means extra precautions need to be taken to get the window level and to seal the window so that it stays level.

Gap Between Frame and the Sill

The window sill is the bottom part of the window. It is the flat part of the window trim that runs across the bottom of the window. The sill is a simple part that plays a big role. It provides structural integrity to the window, protects the window from water getting into your home, and provides thermal insulation around the window.

The window sill needs to be flush with the window frame. The window frame is the structure that goes around the outside of the window and acts as the transition between your window and your home. To keep air from getting in around your window, and to prevent water from seeping in as well, you need the sill and the frame to be flushed with one another without any gap between the two.

Drafts Around Window

Your window should be installed so that there is no draft coming in around your window. With proper window installation, air will not be lost around your window. A poorly installed window may develop a draft over time, as the frame around the window can warp.

Messy Caulking

Caulking is the glue or clay-like material that goes around your window and helps firmly seal your window and close any small gaps. In order for caulking to work properly, it has to be applied smoothly. If the caulking is applied in a messy manner, it will not create the right seal around your window.

By working with a professional window installer, you will avoid common window installation issues that do-it-yourselfers often encounter, such as uneven windows, drafts, gaps between window sill and frame, and messy caulking. A window installation professional will ensure your window is even and properly installed without any opportunity for drafts or water leaks.

About Me

It's Clear! A Website About Windows

Why did we create this website? Well, we think that's clear — about as clear as your windows! Okay, maybe we are not skilled comedians, but we do happen to know a lot about windows, and we are excited to share that information. After all, a good home needs good windows. What sorts of things can you expect to learn on this website? For one, you will learn about the various types of materials used to make window frames and sashes these days. You will also learn how to clean and maintain windows, how to find a good window repair company, and much more. We invite you to start reading.



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